The outlook of the present volume has its uniqueness in the sense that there is a wide range of articles from different branches of learning and on the society. The articles could, at any rate, be classified into three major areas: metaphysics, science and social concerns.The opening article, “Whiteheads’s Metaphysic of Creativity as potential for individual and social developments”, by Dr. Ogbozo examines Whitehead’s doctrine of the self-determination of actual entities (i.e. entities of which the world is made of) as a dynamic development. And examining the differentdimensions of development, he proposes Whitehead’s doctrine as a model of, and a potential for progressive individual and social developments.From a somewhat conditioning environment (colony-experience among Chimpanzee), Emily Cannon inquires into the possibility of ‘Animals having Rational Souls’, and concludes that there are credible evidence that they might have such souls.Two experts from Microbiological sciences – Prof. Rose Nwabueze and her young colleague, Dr. Mejeha Obioma make a lucid presentation on “Harnessing Biology for Self- Reliance and Grassroot Development”. Precisely, they underline three areas in which the values of biology can give enormous boost to Nigeria’s development when properly harnessed. Those areas are the agricultural, medical and industrial sectors.Another scientific contribution to this volume is titled “Cottage and Small Scale Industries: the way out for Nigeria” by Prof. Iheonye who, drawing from his theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of Polymer and textile engineering, proposes such modest industrialization as the proper way for Nigeria’s socio-economic development.In the understanding that all cultures at different times in history have always influenced one another, Prof. Hodgson gives a historical picture of ‘the development of Science and Technology in Europe’ as a source of inspiration and challenge to the African scientists to utilize the natural potentials in their continent for indigenous scientific breakthrough.On social concerns, Dr. Ajah challenges the Afrocentrists (i.e. those who argue passionately about African brotherhood and values) with the ugly incident of “21st Century Slavery in Libya”. Analysing the episode, he shows that Africans are not exempt from the evils of the slave crime, and his contention is that each society must be humble in accepting her social errors while joining the crusade that wages war against such inhumanity on any part of the world.Contributing to the improvement of society through education, Dr. Ezenwankwor highlights two essential elements in teaching profession, elements that he considers to be a moral duty. They are “Time and the management of priority”.Dr. Denis Aham Osuagwu examines the “Sustainability of Ethanol as Alternative Energy for America”, and indirectly invites his African society to join in the pursuit of such project because ‘what is good for the goose is also good for the gander’.Two related but critical views on Emily Cannon’s article are shared in our Discussion forum by two scholars: Prof. George Ekwuru and Fr. Charles Kenechukwu Okoro. Their views derive pre-eminently from philosophical anthropology and epistemic-metaphysical perspectives respectively.In this volume, a new feature has been introduced, namely: Book Review which is undertaken by Mr.Francis Ekwueme.